I don't know if anyone has visited this blog
I would appreciate any comments left. If not for the encouragement, simply for the knowledge someone other than myself has visited this page. They should invent counters that do not count the person who created the site. Maybe they do have that and I just don't know where to find it.
Anyways, if you have visited this blog, I would appreciate any comments left.

Hi, Tammy. I surfed onto your blog. Your stuff is really cool! I think you should, when you teach, hand out your email & blog addy to your students so they can read it!
Happy Crafting!
I just love the tag book and pocket card - very very pretty.
Now that I have found your blog, I can't wait to see more of your creations!
just found your blog... you should have a counter on it and you would be really surprised at how many people stop in to see your blog.. good luck blogging
I know what you mean, I feel the same about my blog... I just happen to find your blog today and Your stuff It's pretty good, I'm already casing some of your projects, so there is my comment for you, I'll keep checking regularly...
Happy Stamping!!
Tammy, I am in love with the more fun with chocolate card...do you have the dimensions. I saw a similar card on another page, but the card semed really small!!!
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