Last year just before my first year in blogsville, I hit 25,000 hits. I set a goal of 300,000 for this year. I did not reach it, but I am far from disappointed as I did reach over 185,000. That is amazing!
Thank you all so much for making my blog as successful as it is. I know I am not the most regular poster, but I do try to have a nice variety of items, from card to minis to 3D items, free tutorials and tutorials for sale. I try to keep my posts about papercrafting. I appreciate every comment that has been left, I know it takes extra time to leave a comment, but I read every one and they always put a smile on my face. I am also grateful cause I know someone took the time to leave it.
I have expanded my ways to share this passion with all of you through YouTube and recently through Ustream. My Channel for both is NsSnowAngel. I do not always post my videos from Youtube here, so if you like seeing my work you may also wish to check out my channel there. I do occasionally put up videos there that are not papercrafting related. My Ustream show started out as occasional shows but I now have a regular time on Monday Evening 9 pm eastern standard time.
Anyways, getting on to the good stuff...
Last year I gave a blog candy away of free tutorials for a year. That winner received over 18 free tutorials. I hope you enjoyed them Chrissy!
This year I am going to give a way a surprise gift to someone. I will add things to this list all week. At the end of the week, on next Monday evening I will draw a winner from anyone who leaves a comment here until then.
The items so far are...
Ivory Flower Soft
1 package of my handmade paper flowers
PDF ephemera Bingo Cards-all 3
Tim Holtz movers and shapers Keyhole die