Look What I walked in On!
I walked into my craft room after realizing the boys-my son and my grandson-both three years old, were not playing in the bedroom. I went looking to find them here and doing what they thought was great fun, all over the craft room floor.They had all sorts of my ink pads, permanent ink included, out and had rubbed them all over the carpet. Luckily I got to it while it was still semi wet. I was able to get most of it out, but not all of it.I wanted to cry but didn't.
Oh, My! I'm SO sorry!! That sort of thing can be so discouraging at first, but someday you will look back and smile.
Hi Tammy, OMG!!!! im a bit different to most mums. I love it, it just goes to show, you have real telented men in your family, maybe not using the carpet to ink on, but, why not cut the carpet up and use it for a mat, and have lovely bare polished floor boards. Keep a part of the carpet as a creative piece of artwork.
Arohanui XX :-)
Oh... been there, had that on my carpet too! My darling 2 and 1/2 yo twins sons have repeatadly used my chalks, inks and glitters to decorate the floor! Glad to hear you were able to get it all out.. I reccomend a locked drawer!! It will be funny one day ♥
OMG, I would have yelled, then cried...but more for my ink pads than my carpet!
I bet you hate that carpet in your craft room anyway, right? I only say that because I have plush carpet in mine, and I want to tear it out because it's always full of paper scraps and glitter, but not lovely ink pad swirls...
Oh Wow! That might send me to tears too! Someday it will be funny to you though. kids....
I am not lucky enough to have a scrap room... but I was lucky enough to get the pretty swirls on my living room carpet... most of mine did not come out. We now have large rug over the "pretty area"
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