I got this great deal on eyelets by WE R Memory Keepers from Jules over at http://www.thejulebox.com/ Look at the adorable tags she adds to each package!
I ordered several sets of colors. Each package comes with four colors. She lets you order up to three packages of each set of colors. I like to keep all my same colors together so here is what I decided to do to organize them. I Put each color in a separate small container. Them the packaging has this great insert that has a built in label for each of the colors.
I used my SU circle punch to punch out each of the labels.
The name is already printed along with a sample of the color.
I add the matching color label to each container of the matching color eyelets.
Then I transferred them to small zip lock baggies
And finally put them all in one large storage container so they are all together, easy to find, easy to choose a color and easy to see when I need to reorder and because I have the labels I know what the color is called.
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